Frequently Asked Questions
The TiVo media device

Where can I buy a TiVo® media device in New Zealand?
You can find TiVo at your nearest Noel Leeming or Bond and Bond, or by calling 0800 MY TIVO
I hate buying things that go out of date - especially technology!
The good news is that your TiVo media device is connected to the internet so your broadband service automatically downloads the latest software updates. This ensures that your TiVo media device gets all the latest information, including new services and content offerings.
Who owns the TiVo after I purchase it?
You do. The TiVo device is not a subscription service. If you move house – you take it with you. If you wish to sell it to a friend – you can do this once you have paid for it in full or paid all instalment payments.
Can I use a TiVo media device from Overseas?
TiVo devices purchased overseas are not compatible in the New Zealand market.